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Strong in Christ

By Margaret Rossi.

Photo by Kevin Grieve on Unsplash

Your World cries out Lord Jesus Oh give us health we pray. Your World cries out Lord Jesus Great Healer bring that day. Let’s find the cure and swiftly I know you’ll show the way. Let’s find the cure and swiftly come shine your light we pray. Please carry us Lord Jesus Through-out this awful year. Please carry us Lord Jesus And be forever near. You’ll strengthen and sustain us And give us faith that’s strong. You’ll strengthen and sustain us We all to God belong. You’ll heal Your World Lord Jesus And give us health renewed. You’ll heal Your World Lord Jesus We can depend on You. For You are our Salvation What have we then to fear. For You are our Salvation You’ll bring us through this year. Words by Margaret Rossi Music from A.H.B. No. 385 “The Church’s one foundation” Samuel Sebastian Wesley 1810-76.


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