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Lord, Teach Me to Witness

By J.

Photo by Wade Austin Ellis on Unsplash

The following is a little collection of prayers I have been praying on the matter of witnessing the Gospel to the people God has placed in my life. In retrospect, it feels like God first had to do a lot of groundwork in my heart, growing in me a genuine desire for these prayers to be answered. More recently, the Lord has helped me to take up opportunities to witness, leaning on his strength in ways that I would have run away from before! Praise God! I hope you will find these prayers a helpful starting point for your own journey.


God, help me to break my habit of silly joking so that those in darkness feel safe to seek encouragement from me as they ponder life. Please help me to be vulnerable in conversation so that others feel safe to talk to me as they discover their spiritual hunger or wrestle with the inconsistencies of their worldview.


Lord, help me to be a good listener, listening not for the sake of being able to respond but to honour the other person and to learn to see them as you do.


God, help me to be visibly distinctive in my words and actions before my colleagues and friends. Open up opportunities for me to be compassionate and salty. Let both my actions and words point people to you (Matthew 5:13-16).


Father, show me how I can witness for you in the places and circumstances in which you have placed me. Give me faith and trust that you will speak through me, and like Moses and Jeremiah, I don’t need to be a good speaker in my own strength and authority (Jeremiah 1:6-10).


Lord, give me courage – standing on the knowledge of your sovereignty, power and grace – to speak into the opportunities you open up and not shy away. Lord, give me faith to pray in boldness and patience as I wait for these opportunities (Colossians 4:3).


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