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Joy in Living (Poem)

By Margaret Rossi.

Photo by Brandon Green on Unsplash

Go outside into the sunshine

let its warmth upon you shine.

You will find the joy in living

God will grant you peace of mind.

In creation there is beauty

God has given us this gift.

All its peace and all its splendour

give our spirits such a lift.

Because each of us is struggling

we’ll reach out to everyone

for our hands held out in friendship

are the hands for Christ the Son.

As we face this time of testing,

help us all to carry on

‘til we’ve fought and won the battle

with the virus and it’s gone.

Through our struggles with these lockdowns

give us peace within our hearts.

God you’ll always be beside us

from our side you’ll not depart.

Poem written by Margaret Rossi 15-9-20

Can also be sung as a hymn A.H.B. No 200

“Come, thou long-expected Jesus”


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