By J.

I want to share with you a quote that deeply encourages me to live for God in the ordinariness of everyday life, in whatever circumstance God may have placed me in. Following this quote is my prayer of response that I invite you to join me in.
The quote below is from View from the Faraway Pagoda by Robert and Linda Banks, the biography of Sophie Newton. She served as a missionary in China from 1897 to 1925. It describes a period of her life where Sophie was initially disappointed to be appointed to fill a gap at the school in another city, away from the area that she had dearly loved for 22 years and where she knew the gospel work was far from done. But as she remembered that this appointment was God's will, her disappointment was turned to joyful submission.
"During this time, she drew strength from biblical passages such as the advice to 'Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up' (James 4:10) that spoke strongly to her. Through experience she had come to understand that obedience to God eventually results in a quietness of spirit in the midst of daily activities, submissive acceptance of God's will on an hourly basis, a gentle response to slights and provocations, greater flexibility in the hands of God, calmness in times of turmoil and busyness, willingness to yield to the wishes of others, and deliverance from anxiety" (p90).
Oh Lord, when my dreams, plans and passions have been put on hold, help me to humble myself before you that you may lift me up. Please help me to be obedient to you in the unspectacular things of each hour, knowing that you honour all faithfulness in matters big and small. Help me to accept the humble situation that you have given to me in this season of life, knowing that even mundane moments are part of your great plans. Saviour God, thank you for loving me and forgiving me when I was still a sinner. Heavenly Father, because I love you, I want to obey you. May the Holy Spirit works in me to bear the fruit of obedience that results in the quietness of spirit amid daily activities. Grant me submissive acceptance of Your will on an hourly basis and a gentle response to slights and provocations. Give me greater flexibility in Your hands and calmness in times of turmoil and busyness. And the willingness to yield to the wishes of others, and deliverance from anxiety. In the name of Jesus, amen.